Wednesday, March 17, 2010

JSF 2.0, Part I.b.

Initially the example I got working was just the downloaded code from the book.  Since then I also found out why my own assembed version (copied from the text of the book) did not work.

The short answer is:  I made some typos.

The longer answer is that:  I discovered that in web.xml, the JSF runtime is very sensitive to inaccuracies in the root node attributes.  I guess I thought they were not that important, but jsf runtime could not even run my application without correcting a typo in these attributes.  Before I corrected this typo I kept getting a "resource cannot be found" or something like that.

After that correction, I still had several more typos, but for each there was a sensible JSF error to help me find it, unlike the first.

Also used maven to compile the book's examples...first on-line...then on a different example...offline.  maven is such a boon the way it downloads what it needs the first time you run it, so that if you run it again on the same pom...or one with similar uses what it downloaded the last time to assemble things.  Very cool.

I should also mention in Glassfish that I deployed my exploded directory also, so now I can change xhtml files on the fly and just refresh the page and I see my page with the new changes in it when running the Glassfish JSF 2.0 app.

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